YOU are Courageous….

You are here for a reason and maybe you don’t know that reason yet.


But it is your time to become curious and discover what it is you are meant for.


We are all meant for great things.


When we enter the world, we are pure.


But somewhere along that way, that pureness, that unique recipe that makes us who we are, is stripped away.


We start to think things like:


“we aren’t good enough”


“we aren’t smart enough”


“no one loves us”


“we aren’t beautiful enough, or thin enough, or muscular enough”


We start to hold within ourselves a statement that contains two words – Not and Enough.


Somewhere in between those words we place those areas in our life where we feel inadequate.


We start to shut our dreams and desires down, sometimes before even thinking about them.


It’s as if we won’t even allow ourselves to go there because anything other than what is comfortable is crippling and never to be thought of.


We do this to protect ourselves.




But what we are also doing is stifling our dreams and our inner most beautiful truths about who we are.


We are depriving the world of our greatness and we blame it on the beliefs and safe justifications we carry.


That is meant for other people.


I don’t have time.


I don’t have enough money.


It’s not possible.


Someday I will do that.


Well, I am here to tell you, your someday, IS NOW.


It is your time to take your desires and make them happen.




You are powerful beyond measure and the only things holding you back are those beliefs that others and society have crushed you with, as a result of their own fears, their own discomforts, and their own acceptance of conformity.


You were never meant to conform.


You were never meant to be ‘normal.’


What is normal anyway?


You were meant to discover what lights you up, what feeds your soul, and what gives you the energy to serve others with your unique gifts.


You were meant to walk this life not fearlessly, but courageously enough to face your inevitable fears.


Because we all have them.


They are not meant to hold us back; they are meant to show us exactly what we are supposed to run towards.


Those ideas and desires that scare you are precisely the ones that you are meant to pursue.


There is no other person on this planet who can do what you are meant to do.


It is for you and no one else.


In order for you to become who you are meant to be, you must let go of all the things that make you, someone, other than you.


Those thoughts that you don’t really believe.


Those beliefs that you don’t really align with


And those feelings that no longer feel right for you


You must strip it all away and allow yourself to show up authentically and powerfully and in control of who you are and who you are becoming.


This is not about denying the real life situations that sometimes pull us down into the darkness.




This is about building ourselves up to such a place of resilience that when these things do happen, and we get knocked down, that we don’t get stuck there, because we know, deep down, that we are not meant to suffer, we are meant to grow, to learn, to love.


And not only love others but to love ourselves. Deeply. Because that is where the magic is.


We are meant to experience not only complete sorrow and pain, but pure joy and bliss.


And if you haven’t experienced that pure joy and bliss thus far, now is your time.


Now is your time to make it happen and to step into the light that you deserve.


Is it always going to be easy?




But you don’t want easy.


If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and if everyone was doing it, well, then it likely wouldn’t be one of your desires because you would already have it.


If everything was easy, we would never learn and if we never learned, we would never grow.


Growth is for those who can believe it before they see it.


For those who trust that they know better than their initial thought and who know the power that they carry within themselves to change.


Growth is for those who are ready to embark down a road of awakening and to uncover possibilities we never imagined before.


You are here for growth, and your time is now.


So go out.


Chase your dreams.


Shatter your unhelpful thoughts and beliefs.


Write down those goals, make that plan, and get it done.


Step into that person that you were always meant to be before the world told you otherwise.


You are worthy.


You are deserving.


You are powerful.


You are capable.


You are loved.


And my friend,


You are courageous.






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